Meet Jabari and Lomasi!
Jabari the Serval, was brought to Gatorland by Florida Fish and Wildlife as a three month old kitten in need of a qualified home. Jabari is an incredible jumper and will reach amazing heights to catch his favorite prey – a mini tennis ball.
Lomasi the Bobcat was originally found as a wild abandoned kitten, she was rehabilitated at a center in North Florida but was deemed non-releasable due to imprinting on humans at such a young age.
Jabari and Lomasi were socialized with each other in 2017, and have been best friends ever since.
Osceola and Abiaka are also male Florida Bobcats. They were rescued from captivity in 2014, and now call Gatorland home. They are a very affectionate pair that loves to interact with our animal care staff.
Visit them at the Bobcat Bayou!