March 6, 2019 – Danny Perich
Peak season is among us here at Gatorland! We have seen an increase of active nests these past few weeks, and you can find all types of birds in all stages of breeding at the moment! Right now we have Great Egrets, nesting, laying, and even some hatching out. There is quite a few Snowy Egrets building their nests and a handful with some eggs already laid! We also have spotted nests from Wood Storks, Anhingas, Double crested Cormorants and Tricolored Herons. I anticipate, we will have a lot of babies in the near future! If you want to come check out our rookery, our gates our open Thursday-Sunday, 7:00-8:00 AM until June 9th. If you want that golden sunlight, every Saturday evening we have our late stay just for you! , so plan some mornings and Saturday evenings to come out and see us soon!!
Join me here in the rookery with your exclusive Gatorland Birding Photo Pass

Bird Blog 2019