Gatorland offers homeschoolers discounted rates during our annual Homeschool Days
- Students will explore our 110-acre wild preserve and theme park and see over 2,000 alligators and crocodiles in their natural habitat
- Petting zoo, alligator breeding marsh, and bird rookery
- Gator gully splash park
- Experience one of a kind shows like the World Famous The Alligators: Legends of the Swamp show, and Upclose Encounters
- These special promotional rates cannot be combined with other discounts or offers and are not valid on holidays.
Please email to make a new reservation or call group sales at (407) 855-5496 Ext 264.

Request for Pricing
If you would like to receive group pricing information for Homeschool groups, please contact us via the form below and we will be back in touch with you as soon as possible. Thanks again and we look forward to hearing from you!