January 27th Pair of Barred Owls

Friday, 27 January 2012 This week I saw 14 Great Egrets lying on nests and much more activity all over the north half of the marsh. There was much more displaying and birds chasing each other off of perches. For the half hour I was in the marsh, I didn’t see any other species of heron or egret but there were still 3 Wood Storks, two of which were lying down in their tree. There’s still only one Spoonbill. No change in the Cormorants and Anhingas in the marsh. On the south end of the marsh we had plenty of passerines including Robins, Catbirds, Grackles, Yellow-rumped Warblers, a male Cardinal and about 100 Cedar Waxwings! A special note this week: last night I was here until 8pm and saw a pair of Barred Owls near the Gator Wrestling Arena. They were calling to each other [...]